Wednesday, October 31, 2007


There are so many new things that are being discovered as part of Learning 2.0. I must say that I think Zoho will have practical applications.

As I type this post, I am also watching "the Librarians" on the TV, hope it lives up us. Or maybe do we have to have a better standard than it. "The book is your canvas and the mind is your brush." The are so many things on the internet that I still have to learn that I think my mind is certainly not a brush. Photo from The Librarian

Sometimes the picture is clear and then at other times it is more of an impression. Hopefully more clear than not. It just takes a lot of time remembering all the different log in passwords and website addresses. But the journey has been enjoyable and yet there are points at which I want to bang my head or crash the computer on purpose.

Anyway back to the topic at hand, I hope I have discovered enough about Zoho to post this to my blog....lets find out.

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