Thursday, September 27, 2007

#10 Chocolate


Mmmmm... yummi!


When we had to use an image generator, I thought - a what! It is not something that I have used before or even heard about (which is becoming the norm in this course). On The Generator Blog, I stumbled across one called Chocolate bar Generator, and thought of my sister in law. Carol loves chocolate, all things chocolate. Using this image generator made me think of her and I will have to let them know my blog address now, so that she can read that I am writing about her. Won't she be thrilled!

I found that the image generators were self explanatory by name, mostly and that the main ones I used were text generating. They were easy to use and quick to get around. The face transformer site was a bit confronting - I will not again use a photo of myself on there, BUT you have to see stuff to know not to do it again.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

#8 & 9 RSS and what to feed it!

The first time I heard about RSS was during the Ebsco training, but as I had never used them and the trainer was looking to leave ASAP, I didn't go into it, and then promptly forgot to go into it with the Tech staff. I found setting up the Bloglines account and putting on the feeds of places I knew quite easy and logical. Where I think I spent alot of time without a great deal of success was with Feedster but I discovered more items to add by using Topix. I think it was because of the way I am used to searching and that eventually I will get my head around looking for different sites, similar to what I already look at, but bringing to me other information. This is going to be a very useful tool, as I am continually checking a news site in Canada, waiting for a specific article to come, now I can wait for it to come to me. Yeah!

#6 & 7 Fun & Technology

Each day has been an adventure with me having heaps of fun on flickr. I have found an extraordinary amount of photo's and even some from a group I attended just late last week. We had a fantastic time in Ballarat discovering how current technology and information sharing can enhance the knowledge database of all, instead of just a few. We saw from birth ( a Municipal Christening Cradle) to death (A tour of the Old Ballaarat Cemetery). It was while reading one of my colleagues blogs that madde me think about what technology has done for me in the past years. I have family living overseas and without the advancement in technology I do not know if we would communicate as much. Yes I can call them on the telephone, but it is not the same as being able to see them (in person, on the other side of the world) and hear them and have them see us. My son and I love being able to webcam with my brother and his family. The other thing I was thinking about was faxes (not sure why) and the way the paper used to be in a roll. Technology has wonderful applications, it is just learning how to use them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

#5 Flickr - had never heard of it

Flickr, once I had created yet another account name and password to remember, was surprisingly easy to navigate for a site I had never heard of let alone been to. I have posted 5 photo's - 1 from a local studies trip I went on last week and the others from a car show Nicholas and I went to earlier this year. Hopefully they are all tagged well enough for people to understand why I chose the tags I did. It is great being able to give a desription as well as the title and tags. I found that the numbers of groups available to join was a bit daunting as my pictures were not all of the same topic, but if you want to have a look go to I am enjoying having a play with this and can see some personal applications to share photo's with friends in a safer environment than any of the ways we were considering.

#4 What a blog!

Before this started I had only ever heard of one person I knew who had a blog, and I only looked at it once. The technology had never really interconnected with my life, but I now also have a facebook account to catch up with some school friends post a school reunion, so I will have to make a concerted effort to update it also. It is exciting looking at all of the different blogs, trying to work out who has named their ones with more obscure names, and reading their thoughts about the program.

#2 How long is a lifelong

I would like to think that I exhibit some of the 7 1/2 habits of highly successful lifelong learning. I feel strongly that I am good at accepting responsibilty for my own learning (2) and mostly view problems as challenges (3) when they are not overwhelming. I enjoy the play, but this in itself can occassionally cause Habit 3 to be needed. From the Wikipedia definition I would like to believe that I have alot of knowledge to contribute and will enjoy the experience of learning. The photo above is there contributing to Habit 7 1/2. Nicholas and I enjoyed the car show earlier this year.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Here we go!

Well here I am writing my very first post in my very first blog. This is the technology that I have seen snippets of but have never had the time (or made the time) to get into it myself.